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acrthe: Offtopic

Reading only on paper is expensive. Digital versions of books are several times cheaper than printed editions, so many are ready to read on tablets, smartphones and special readers. Until recently, e-books existed only in software interpretation, in all kinds of formats, both conventional (for example, .txt, .doc, .htm, .chm, .pdf, .rtf, .djvu) and specific (for example, .fb2 ). Some software e-books are created as standalone applications in the format of executable exe files. social media assistant jobs taming big data with apache spark and python

Dienstag, 30. November 2021

rplantiba: Offtopic

Montag, 29. November 2021

RichardUnulp: Top Anime Blog

Check out Watch Anime

Sonntag, 28. November 2021

pravdaprac: Offtopic

Freitag, 26. November 2021

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